Looking back at Hiswa 2019

Looking back at Hiswa 2019

Looking back at Hiswa 2019 It’s been just over one week since the Hiswa 2019 boat show in Holland took place. For Vaan it was the first opportunity to interact with potential buyers and we are very happy and reassured by the responses we received.     This...
The first Vaan R4 is coming!

The first Vaan R4 is coming!

The first Vaan R4 is coming! We are very much looking forward to the first Vaan R4 touching the water. And that moment is getting ever closer! R4 NUMBER 1 ABOUT TO START PRODUCTIONThe past few months were all about detailed engineering, hull shape optimization, dagger...
There’s a new cat in town

There’s a new cat in town

There’s a new cat in town Today, Vaan introduces its first model: the Vaan R4. This luxury catamaran is made of circular materials, including recycled aluminium, cork, and plant-based alternatives for leather. Innovative choices in its design make the R4 a...